After watching the three presidential debates I have figured out why Obama's campaign is failing. Obama's persona is a big issue, along with the people he's surrounded himself with. Then there is also the media's complicity in the whole thing, which despite being in the tank for Obama I think turned out to be his worst enemy. The last four years have been very telling, having a record to run on (or run from) is a definite factor as well.
In 2008 Obama was a virtual unknown in the world of politics. A jr senator from Illinois he came out of nowhere and exploded on the scene with a cult of personality that just overpowered the well known Hillary Clinton in the primary and made John McCain the stereotypical picture of the Republican party, stuffy, old, white, male. Obama saw this explosion and took advantage of being an unknown, He could be whatever people wanted him to be. He was young, mixed race, had a strong voice and a name that rebellious young liberals knew would piss off their fathers. We had people saying Obama was going to pay off their homes, cars, college loans, Obama himself said that he would end racial tensions in America and would make us loved all over the world on day one. No one cared he had never held a real job, no one read the books on who his father was and where he came from. People were caught up in the cult and never stopped to ask if Obama was qualified to be President of the United States. You couldn't oppose him, if anyone asked questions you were shouted down as a racist and dismissed. When he hid his college records or distanced himself from the church he sat in for 20 years it made no difference. Nothing could penetrate the cult. But this developed into a weakness no one would see for four years. Obama like the late Michael Jackson had surrounded himself by yes-men, every word he said, no matter how absurd, was praised. When he put on a funny southern accent it was charming, when he made fun of how old McCain was, he was witty. I'm sure someone even snatched a tissue he sneezed in as a keepsake.
Obama's halo was part of the media's cult image. |
Hillary got different treatment. |
The mainstream media was complicit in the cult of Obama. They ran with Obama's "Hope and Change" slogan. They swooned, they tingled, they fainted, they slobbered all over themselves to make Obama the sure thing. They even went so far as to bash Clinton, who early on was their golden girl. Remember the halo pictures? The MSM did everything they could to make him untouchable, again using the race card to push down detractors. Obama was their messiah and just like the public, did no vetting of who Obama was. This inflated Obama's ego. Nothing he did caused any strife and he loved every second. But this may be part of his downfall. Now when the media questions him he looks shocked. He seems insulted that anyone would dare question his previously unchallenged intelligence. It's just like raising kids. You can't let them win all the time, you can't tell them they're smart when they answer 2+2 wrong. If you do the child acts petulant and spoiled. Just like Obama at the debates. By never challenging him they turned him into what we see today. The problem is you can't fool all the people all the time.
After four years of Obama's policies the Country is in the slowest recovery in American history, if you believe the recession ended in June 2009 like the administration told us. Obama promised so much in 2008 it should be no surprise that he couldn't get much of it done. But what he
didn't do is the least of our problems. We have big problems and as much as Obama wants you to believe it's Bush's fault, the blame lies squarely on Obama's shoulders. The most stand out of Obama's responsibilities is the
national debt. In 2008 when Obama took office the ND was $10 trillion, but a mere 4 years later is $16 trillion. Ignoring Obama's promise to halve the debt by the end of his first term, he has run wild with spending. He once said that the $4 trillion Bush added to the debt in 8 years was unpatriotic. Now he tells us that we have to spend our way out of debt, which if anyone else tried would end up on the street if not jail. Obama took Bush's bail-outs to the next level, not just banks, he bailed out the auto industry, he bailed out "green" energy companies, states, and even some companies that aren't even in America. There's Obamacare, a bill no one wanted but congress pushed through. Then there is the jobs, Obama told us that without his bail-outs the unemployment would shoot up to 8%, he told us by now we'd be somewhere around 5%. Problem is the bail-out was a complete failure, unemployment shot up over 10% and now heavily adjusted we sit at 7.8%. There are over 22.6 million unemployed today, but the number the admin uses is 11 million. They don't count people who have been unemployed so long they have given up looking all together. Obama has started a line of quantitative easing that led to 2 downgrades of our national credit rating. While these QE's have been holding up the stock market, its a bubble that will burst when the money stops flowing from the government. Economic growth has been stagnant and this is making us look weak across the globe. Iran's dictator has questioned how much longer we can be a superpower with the debt we have. But that is the tip of the iceberg in his foreign policy failures. He let Egypt and Libya fall under the rule of radical islamist, he looked the other way during the iranian green revolution. He sits by while Syria slaughters its own and puts "daylight between the US and Israel". He betrayed our allies Great Britain Japan, and Poland while bowing to dictators and communist and telling Russian President Medvedev to transmit to Putin that he will be more flexible after the election.
We cannot afford 4 more years of Barack Obama, not in our economy, and not in our national security. We should have been told who he was before he took the most powerful position on the Earth. We needed the MSM to do its job not foist on us an unqualified jr Senator. But now we know, we know who he is, we know what his plans are and we know what he cares about, HIMSELF. We have the ability to stop this train wreck halfway through, we can save ourselves from the rest of Obama's policies and ideas. Ultimately it will be easy, just vote. Vote for Mitt Romey, vote for real change.
Change we can believe in.