Monday, January 21, 2008

How the mighty have fallen...

I am so pissed with this whole Fred Thompson bailing to back McCain situation. I put a lot of faith and dollars into Fred. This will be a bitter pill to swallow if it pans out the way it's looking.

Years back at my (very liberal) jr. college I tried starting a conservative club because the republicans were not cutting it. I was registered independent and proud. But I wanted to see change so much that I realigned myself with the republican party to back GWB. Since then I have let things slide, and oh have they slid. With George Bush Jr. turning out to be such a liberal wank, failing us on Iraq, the economy and the border. I was thrilled when I read Fred Thompson's platform. He seemed to have a grasp on what Reagan conservatism meant. A glimmer of small government and lower taxes with a military that was second to NONE. Ideas that I still believe will keep America on top where it belongs. I will hold out a little longer to see if Fred does the RIGHT thing. My faith is shaken, but I hope the republican party has some guts left. If I leave the party again it will take WAY more than a GWB to get me back. I am sooo pissed...

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