Friday, April 15, 2011

3 Reasons - Trump

I know many of you think Donald Trump is a joke when it comes to presidential nominees, and if the republicans had, or even looked like they were going to put up someone better, I wouldn't be able to write this. I've been very clear that the "front runners" in the republican field cannot beat Obama. The polls prove it, head to head polls between Trump and the potential GOP field, Trump trumps them all. This is not an endorsement, I still believe Herman Cain is best man for the job, though I acknowledge his chances are slim.

So the first thing is not his hair, as much as it's oddly interesting the polls are more. Like I mentioned above, the poll shows the audacious real estate tycoon and reality TV show host posting a whopping nine point lead on his nearest competitor. In the latest recent survey the Donald is running strong in the GOP field, and by strong I mean way out front. Trump brought in a hefty 26% of the vote, followed by Mike Huckabee 17%, Mitt Romney 15%, Newt Gingrich 11%, Sarah Palin 8%, Ron Paul earned 5%, while Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty took 4% each.

Next, I believe that people who are best suited for political offices are those that care about their community and country. They have a deep passion for serving the people's shared interest, and are deeply experienced in public service. They are educated. They are a God fearing. They are vibrant, and brilliant people with incredible ideas and motivation. But since Ronald Reagan is long gone and Zombie Reagan is only in science fiction, we might have to start looking elsewhere. You don't get into public office anymore by being smart, talented, and a bold speaker; you get into public office by being rich, pretty, or popular. Trump has two of the three and that ain't bad.

Last thing is democrats don't like him, Harry Reid said he's not presidential material, that helps in my book. When the main lame stream media goes nutto I know I'm seeing something good.  Take the new Atlas Shrugged movie, the msm is really going out of it's way to slam a movie that is being released on 300 screens nation wide. That tell me I want to see it. Trump is everything Obama is not and that is the most important thing.

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