Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More Guns = More Freedom

With renewed threats of sweeping gun control laws or even worse an outright ban (& confiscation) from the Obama Administration via executive order, again we need to take a look at guns in America and why we need them. Guns have played an important part in history, the way we know that guns are tools and not some kin of incarnate evil, because  more often than not they are used to help protect people and preserve our way of life. Even though the media would tell you different, it is simple to look back and see the benefit of having this particular tool. To put it more simply; Guns don't kill people, people kill people. 

The primary reason to own a firearm is the same reason you vote, exercising your rights. The Founding Fathers put together a simple yet highly effective document that lays out our way of life. The Constitution is 8 pages and the Amendments we have made since then might take up 2 more. We cherish the things that we have been given, by God (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) and man (everything else). So how could it not be positive to exercise our 2nd right and be prepared for any action. "Amendment II - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Now the well regulated militia spoken of here is essentially the military, there to protect the Union, from outside invaders. Then it goes on to say what the right of the people is. Now if you need to consider the two parts connected than I am part of a well regulated group the NRA. I don't think it's a requirement, but if it gives you some peace of mind, join up, it's inexpensive and provides both access to training and safety courses and it also provides some insurance in case the unthinkable happens.

Secondly, it's a safety issue.  Always remember, you don't call the police because they have pens, you call them because they have guns. Face it, the time where you could go to sleep at night with your front door open to catch a breeze is gone. The safety of you and your family should be one of your primary concerns, waiting 8 to 15 or more minutes for the police to show up with their guns is simply not acceptable. I'm not trying to scare you, but the facts are facts. In the year 2010 according to the FBI there was 417,403 robberies in the US, and 14.3% of them were home invasion. So at one robbery a minute, out of 100 minutes 14 of them were home invasion. Take a safety/training class, do your homework, figure out what is right for you and be ready. If you have children you have an even greater responsibility, not only to protect your kids from the world, but to teach them proper gun safety, allowing them to grow up and intelligently protect their family. Banning guns seems like a great plan, except crooks don't care about bans or laws. It's pretty much settled that we lost the war on drugs, because no matter how many laws you pass, the drugs will always be there. So what makes you think it will be any different with guns. Where I think legalizing drugs is just stupid, it seems to be the direction we are going. So we are to believe more access to drugs will mean less crime. You can't have it both ways.

Lastly, recreation. Guns are a great hobby. There's the physics, the skill required, and the opportunity to interact with supersonic objects (that loud bang is a sonic boom). Some people enjoy target shooting or trap shooting, others prefer hunting, and still others prefer collecting guns. Guns tend to retain their value and sometimes even gain value over time. Many people enjoy it all. Regardless of what you've been told by the media, there is a good chance a gun related hobby is right up your alley. I find it to be both exhilarating and relaxing. 

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